Chess Classes
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All information related to our Chess Classes will be on this page,
including class times, dates, class description, etc.
Most Commonly Asked Question: Yes, students can make up classes they miss!
For additional questions related to our group class policies and F.A.Q., please visit:
Space is limited in Our Classes.
January 2025

Beginners Class: (Levels 2-5) – 8-Weeks
Tuition: $182 $152
Prerequisites: Completed Pawn Level Novice Class and Graduation from Level 1, or instructor approval. Students must know how the chess pieces move to enroll in this class.
Again, all students who have completed the Novice (Pawn Level 0) chess class may enroll in this class.
Course Description: This class is perfect for students who already know how the chess pieces move and are interested in continuing to improve their chess game! This is an excellent foundational course that will help students develop expertise in executing checkmating patterns. Students will also be introduced to tactics, as well as lessons to help the students establish solid chess fundamental knowledge of opening and middle game play. Students will be able to compete in rated chess tournaments by the completion of this class, if they so desire.
Saturdays – Temple City (Location Information)
January 18 – March 15, 2025
Saturdays 9:00 am – 9: 55 am: 1/18, 1/25, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15 (NO CLASS: 2/1 – Temple City Event)
Sundays – Pasadena Location (Location Information)
January 19 – March 9, 2025
Sundays 11:30 am – 12: 25 pm:
Class Dates: 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/2, 3/9
Important: Returning students do NOT have to fill out the registration form again (unless you have info that needs to be updated), simply proceed to tuition payment. After payment, simply email us at: with the name of the student(s) to be enrolled.
New Students: Click Here to Register
Returning Students: Click Here to Submit Tuition Payment for the 8-week class (Do not need to register again)

Intermediate Class: (Levels 6-10) – 8-Weeks
Tuition: $182 $152
Prerequisites: Graduation from Level 5, or instructor approval.
Course Description: This is an excellent foundational course that dives deeper into the more advanced chess fundamentals. This course will help students to continue to develop a solid foundation for learning more advanced chess concepts in the future. Students will learn how to effectively set up and utilize the fundamental checkmating patterns learned at the Knight Level. Furthermore, in addition to learning new tactical patterns and deeper strategic concepts, the fundamental principles of opening, middle game, and endgame play will be explored. Students will be able to compete at a higher level in rated chess tournaments by the completion of this class, if they so desire.
Sundays – Pasadena Location (Location Information)
January 19 – March 9, 2025
Sundays 10:30 am – 11: 25 am
Class Dates: 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/2, 3/9
Important: Returning students do NOT have to fill out the registration form again (unless you have info that needs to be updated), simply proceed to tuition payment. After payment, simply email us at: with the name of the student(s) to be enrolled.
New Students: Click Here to Register
Returning Students: Click Here to Submit Tuition Payment for the 8-week class (Do not need to register again)

Intermediate – Advanced Class: (Levels 6-16) – 8-Weeks
Tuition: $182 $152
Prerequisites: Graduation from Level 5, or instructor approval.
Course Description: This is an excellent foundational course that dives deeper into the more advanced chess fundamentals. This course will help students to continue to develop a solid foundation for learning more advanced chess concepts in the future. Students will learn how to effectively set up and utilize the fundamental checkmating patterns learned at the Knight Level. Furthermore, in addition to learning new tactical patterns and deeper strategic concepts, the fundamental principles of opening, middle game, and endgame play will be explored. Students will be able to compete at a higher level in rated chess tournaments by the completion of this class, if they so desire.
Saturdays – Temple City (Location Information)
January 18 – March 15, 2025
Saturdays 10:00 am – 10: 55 am
Class Dates: 1/18, 1/25, 2/8, 2/15, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15 (NO CLASS: 2/1 – Temple City Event)
Important: Returning students do NOT have to fill out the registration form again (unless you have info that needs to be updated), simply proceed to tuition payment. After payment, simply email us at: with the name of the student(s) to be enrolled.
New Students: Click Here to Register
Returning Students: Click Here to Submit Tuition Payment for the 8-week class (Do not need to register again)

Advanced Class: (Levels 11-16) – 8-Weeks
Tuition: $182 $152
Prerequisites: Graduation from Intermediate Level 10, or instructor approval.
Course Description: This class is suitable for intermediate-advanced chess students who are eager to take their game to the next level. We will be covering intermediate and advanced chess concepts, which include more complicated tactical themes, as well as focus on progressively more advanced principles and strategies of opening, middle game, and endgame play.
Course Description: This is an excellent course that dives deeper into the more advanced chess concepts, while reviewing crucial the fundamentals. This course will help students to continue to develop a solid foundation for learning more advanced chess concepts in the future. In addition, students will learn how to effectively set up and utilize more complicated checkmating patterns that are derive from patterns learned in the beginning and intermediate classes. Furthermore, in addition to learning new tactical patterns and deeper strategic concepts, the more advanced principles of opening, middle game, and endgame play will be explored. Students will be able to compete at a higher level in rated chess tournaments by the completion of this class, if they so desire.
Sundays – Pasadena Location (Location Information)
January 19 – March 9, 2025
Sundays 9:30 am – 10: 25 am
Class Dates: 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/2, 3/9
Important: Returning students do NOT have to fill out the registration form again (unless you have info that needs to be updated), simply proceed to tuition payment. After payment, simply email us at: with the name of the student(s) to be enrolled.
New Students: Click Here to Register
Or if you would like to purchase a bigger class package, you can choose a membership plan here:
Choose a membership plan that best fits your needs!
(12 Class Membership is the most popular, as it has the best balance of value and flexibility)